Issue |
Volume 8, 2002
A tribute to JL Lions
Page(s) | 965 - 1005 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 August 2002 |
Asymmetric heteroclinic double layers
CNRS et Université Claude Bernard,
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex,
Let W be a non-negative function of class C3 from to
, which vanishes exactly at two points a and b. Let
S1(a, b) be the set of functions of a real variable which tend
to a at -∞
and to b at +∞ and whose one dimensional energy
is finite.
Assume that there exist two isolated minimizers z+ and z-
of the energy E1
over S1(a, b). Under a mild coercivity condition on the
potential W and a generic spectral condition on the linearization
of the
one-dimensional Euler–Lagrange operator at z+ and z-, it is
possible to prove that there exists a function u
to itself which satisfies the equation
and the boundary conditions
The above convergences are exponentially fast; the numbers m+
and m- are unknowns of the problem.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J50 / 35J60 / 35B40 / 35A15 / 35Q99
Key words: Heteroclinic connections / Ginzburg–Landau / elliptic systems in unbounded domains / non convex optimization.
© EDP Sciences, SMAI, 2002
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