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Iterative Hard-Thresholding Applied to Optimal Control Problems with $L^0(\Omega)$ Control Cost

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An a posteriori error analysis of an elliptic optimal control problem in measure space

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Error Estimates for Space-Time Discretization of Parabolic Time-Optimal Control Problems with Bang-Bang Controls

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A Joint Tikhonov Regularization and Augmented Lagrange Approach for Ill-Posed State Constrained Control Problems with Sparse Controls

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An efficient duality-based approach for PDE-constrained sparse optimization

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Computational Optimization and Applications 69 (2) 461 (2018)

Regularization and discretization error estimates for optimal control of ODEs with group sparsity

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ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 24 (2) 811 (2018)

New Trends in Parameter Identification for Mathematical Models

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Error estimates for the approximation of multibang control problems

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Computational Optimization and Applications 71 (3) 857 (2018)

Improved approximation rates for a parabolic control problem with an objective promoting directional sparsity

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An FE-Inexact Heterogeneous ADMM for Elliptic Optimal Control Problems with L1-Control Cost

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Mass Lumping for the Optimal Control of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations

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SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 55 (3) 1412 (2017)

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Sufficient Second-Order Conditions for Bang-Bang Control Problems

Eduardo Casas, Daniel Wachsmuth and Gerd Wachsmuth
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 55 (5) 3066 (2017)

Proximal schemes for parabolic optimal control problems with sparsity promoting cost functionals

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International Journal of Control 90 (11) 2349 (2017)

Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems

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Regularization and implicit Euler discretization of linear-quadratic optimal control problems with bang-bang solutions

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Applied Mathematics and Computation 287-288 104 (2016)

Proximal Methods for Elliptic Optimal Control Problems with Sparsity Cost Functional

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Analysis of the Velocity Tracking Control Problem for the 3D Evolutionary Navier--Stokes Equations

Eduardo Casas and Konstantinos Chrysafinos
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 54 (1) 99 (2016)

Second-Order Optimality Conditions for Weak and Strong Local Solutions of Parabolic Optimal Control Problems

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Second Order and Stability Analysis for Optimal Sparse Control of the FitzHugh--Nagumo Equation

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SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 53 (4) 2168 (2015)

Linear-quadratic control problems withL1-control cost

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Annular and sectorial sparsity in optimal control of elliptic equations

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Computational Optimization and Applications 62 (1) 157 (2015)

Sparse initial data identification for parabolic PDE and its finite element approximations

Eduardo Casas, Boris Vexler and Enrique Zuazua
Mathematical Control & Related Fields 5 (3) 377 (2015)

Sparse stabilization and control of alignment models

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Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 25 (03) 521 (2015)

Robust error estimates for regularization and discretization of bang–bang control problems

Daniel Wachsmuth
Computational Optimization and Applications 62 (1) 271 (2015)

Mean-field sparse optimal control

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System Modeling and Optimization

Christopher Schneider and Walter Alt
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, System Modeling and Optimization 443 296 (2014)

Second-Order and Stability Analysis for State-Constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Problems with Sparse Controls

Eduardo Casas and Fredi Tröltzsch
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 52 (2) 1010 (2014)

Mean-Field Optimal Control

Massimo Fornasier and Francesco Solombrino
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 20 (4) 1123 (2014)

Optimal Control of Semilinear Elliptic Equations in Measure Spaces

Eduardo Casas and Karl Kunisch
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 52 (1) 339 (2014)

Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Laurent Hoeltgen, Simon Setzer and Joachim Weickert
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 8081 151 (2013)

Sparse stabilization and optimal control of the Cucker-Smale model

Marco Caponigro, Massimo Fornasier, Benedetto Piccoli and Emmanuel Trélat
Mathematical Control & Related Fields 3 (4) 447 (2013)

System Modeling and Optimization

Daniel Wachsmuth and Gerd Wachsmuth
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, System Modeling and Optimization 391 145 (2013)

A Priori Error Analysis for Discretization of Sparse Elliptic Optimal Control Problems in Measure Space

Konstantin Pieper and Boris Vexler
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 51 (4) 2788 (2013)

A semismooth Newton method for a class of semilinear optimal control problems with box and volume constraints

Samuel Amstutz and Antoine Laurain
Computational Optimization and Applications 56 (2) 369 (2013)

Approximation of sparse controls in semilinear equations by piecewise linear functions

Eduardo Casas, Roland Herzog and Gerd Wachsmuth
Numerische Mathematik 122 (4) 645 (2012)

Directional Sparsity in Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations

Roland Herzog, Georg Stadler and Gerd Wachsmuth
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 50 (2) 943 (2012)

Optimality Conditions and Error Analysis of Semilinear Elliptic Control Problems with $L^1$ Cost Functional

Eduardo Casas, Roland Herzog and Gerd Wachsmuth
SIAM Journal on Optimization 22 (3) 795 (2012)

Approximation of Elliptic Control Problems in Measure Spaces with Sparse Solutions

Eduardo Casas, Christian Clason and Karl Kunisch
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 50 (4) 1735 (2012)

Karush–Kuhn–Tucker Conditions for Nonsmooth Mathematical Programming Problems in Function Spaces

Kazufumi Ito and Karl Kunisch
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 49 (5) 2133 (2011)