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Temporally sparse controls for infinite horizon semilinear parabolic equations with norm constraints

Eduardo Casas and Karl Kunisch
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Temporally sparse controls for infinite horizon semilinear parabolic equations with norm constraints

Eduardo Casas and Karl Kunisch
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Infinite Horizon Optimal Control Problems with Discount Factor on the State, Part II: Analysis of the Control Problem

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Infinite Horizon Optimal Control Problems for a Class of Semilinear Parabolic Equations

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Optimal Control of Semilinear Parabolic Equations with Non-smooth Pointwise-Integral Control Constraints in Time-Space

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Optimal Control Problems with Sparsity for Tumor Growth Models Involving Variational Inequalities

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Optimal Control of the Two-Dimensional Evolutionary Navier--Stokes Equations with Measure Valued Controls

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Optimal control of an energy-critical semilinear wave equation in 3D with spatially integrated control constraints

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Adaptive finite element methods for sparse PDE-constrained optimization

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First and Second Order Conditions for Optimal Control Problems with an $L^0$ Term in the Cost Functional

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SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 58 (6) 3486 (2020)

Critical Cones for Sufficient Second Order Conditions in PDE Constrained Optimization

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SIAM Journal on Optimization 30 (1) 585 (2020)

A Hybrid Finite-Dimensional RHC for Stabilization of Time-Varying Parabolic Equations

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SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 57 (5) 3496 (2019)

An a posteriori error analysis of an elliptic optimal control problem in measure space

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Improved approximation rates for a parabolic control problem with an objective promoting directional sparsity

Eduardo Casas, Mariano Mateos and Arnd Rösch
Computational Optimization and Applications 70 (1) 239 (2018)

Stabilization by Sparse Controls for a Class of Semilinear Parabolic Equations

Eduardo Casas and Karl Kunisch
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 55 (1) 512 (2017)

Finite element approximation of sparse parabolic control problems

Eduardo Casas, Mariano Mateos and Arnd Rösch
Mathematical Control & Related Fields 7 (3) 393 (2017)