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Prescribing transport equation solution's decay via multiplicity manifold and autoregressive boundary control
Kaïs Ammari, Islam Boussaada, Silviu‐Iulian Niculescu and Sami Tliba International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 34(10) 6721 (2024)
Finding the exact value of the maximum allowable upper bound of the delay parameters in the multiple-delay LTI systems
Bryan Rojas‐Ricca, Fernando Castaños and Sabine Mondié International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 34(10) 6699 (2024)
Observer-based Controller Design for LTI SISO Systems with Feedback Delay. A Partial Pole Placement Approach
On the relations between stability optimization of linear time-delay systems and multiple rightmost characteristic roots
Wim Michiels, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Islam Boussaada and Guilherme Mazanti Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (2024)
On the pole placement of scalar linear delay systems with two delays
Sébastien Fueyo, Guilherme Mazanti, Islam Boussaada, Yacine Chitour and Silviu-Iulian Niculescu IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 40(1) 81 (2023)
Time-delay control of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles: a multiplicity-induced-dominancy-based approach
José J Castillo-Zamora, Islam Boussaada, Amina Benarab and Juan Escareno Journal of Vibration and Control 29(11-12) 2593 (2023)
Multiplicity-induced-dominancy for delay systems: Comprehensive examples in the scalar neutral case
Silviu-Iulian Niculescu and Islam Boussaada CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Controlling Delayed Dynamics 604 157 (2023)
Delay-based stabilisation and strong stabilisation of LTI systems by nonsmooth constrained optimisation
Conditions for stabilizability of time‐delay systems with real‐rooted plant
Tamas Balogh, Islam Boussaada, Tamas Insperger and Silviu‐Iulian Niculescu International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 32(6) 3206 (2022)
Dynamics of vehicle stability control subjected to feedback delay
On qualitative properties of single-delay linear retarded differential equations: Characteristic roots of maximal multiplicity are necessarily dominant