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Motion planning for a class of boundary controlled linear hyperbolic PDE's involving finite distributed delays

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ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 9 419 (2003)

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ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 83 (2) 119 (2003)

Linear control systems over ore algebras: Effective algorithms for the computation of parametrizations

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IFAC Proceedings Volumes 36 (19) 147 (2003)

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ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 7 23 (2002)

An extension of predictive control, PID regulators and Smith predictors to some linear delay systems

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Dynamics and solutions to some control problems for water-tank systems

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IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 47 (4) 594 (2002)

A Generalization of Flatness to Nonlinear Systems of Partial Differential Equations. Application to the Command of a Flexible Rod

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IFAC Proceedings Volumes 34 (6) 219 (2001)

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Algebraic necessary and sufficient conditions of input-output linearization

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Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Nonlinear control in the Year 2000 258 367 (2000)

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SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 39 (3) 728 (2000)

Randsteuerung von Wärmetauschern mit örtlich verteilten Parametern: Ein flachheitsbasierter Zugang (Boundary Control of Heat Exchangers with Spatially Distributed Parameters: A Flatness-Based Approach)

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Note sur l'accessibilité des systèmes non linéaires à retards

Luis Alejandro Márquez-Martínez
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics 329 (6) 545 (1999)