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Cited article:
Grégoire Allaire , Micol Amar
ESAIM: COCV, 4 (1999) 209-243
Published online: 2002-08-15
This article has been cited by the following article(s):
106 articles | Pages:
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Periodic Homogenization of Green and Neumann Functions
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Effective slip law for general viscous flows over an oscillating surface
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Second order corrector in the homogenization of a conductive-radiative heat transfer problem
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Modeling of thermophysical properties in heterogeneous periodic media according to a multi-scale approach: Effective conductivity tensor and edge effects
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Applications of Fourier analysis in homogenization of Dirichlet problem I. Pointwise estimates
Hayk Aleksanyan, Henrik Shahgholian and Per Sjölin Journal of Differential Equations 254 (6) 2626 (2013)
Multiscale Asymptotic Analysis and Computation of Optimal Control for Elliptic Systems with Constraints
Jianjun Liu, Liqun Cao and Ningning Yan SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 51 (4) 1978 (2013)
Effective boundary condition for Stokes flow over a very rough surface
Youcef Amirat, Olivier Bodart, Umberto De Maio and Antonio Gaudiello Journal of Differential Equations 254 (8) 3395 (2013)
Asymptotic Analysis of Boundary Layer Correctors in Periodic Homogenization
Christophe Prange SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 45 (1) 345 (2013)
Test high volume of citations
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Asymptotic analysis of second-order boundary layer correctors
Daniel Onofrei and Bogdan Vernescu Applicable Analysis 91 (6) 1097 (2012)
Asymptotic analysis and error estimates for an optimal control problem with oscillating boundaries
A. K. Nandakumaran, Ravi Prakash and J.-P. Raymond ANNALI DELL'UNIVERSITA' DI FERRARA 58 (1) 143 (2012)
Boundary effects on effective conductivity of random heterogeneous media with spherical inclusions
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Thermal properties of composite materials :effective conductivity tensor and edge effects
A Matine, N Boyard, P Cartraud, G Legrain and Y Jarny Journal of Physics: Conference Series 395 012014 (2012)
On multiscale homogenization problems in boundary layer theory
Youcef Amirat, Gregory A. Chechkin and Maxim Romanov Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 63 (3) 475 (2012)
Two-scale analysis for very rough thin layers. An explicit characterization of the polarization tensor
Ionel Sorin Ciuperca, Ronan Perrussel and Clair Poignard Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 95 (3) 277 (2011)
Periodic homogenization with an interface: The multi-dimensional case
Martin Hairer and Charles Manson The Annals of Probability 39 (2) (2011)
Boundary layers in fibrous composite materials
Igor V. Andrianov, Vladyslav V. Danishevs’kyy and Dieter Weichert Acta Mechanica 216 (1-4) 3 (2011)
AGNES LAMACZ Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 21 (09) 1871 (2011)
Scattering, Homogenization, and Interface Effects for Oscillatory Potentials with Strong Singularities
Vincent Duchêne and Michael I. Weinstein Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 9 (3) 1017 (2011)
Approximate transmission conditions through a rough thin layer: The case of periodic roughness
I. S. CIUPERCA, M. JAI and C. POIGNARD European Journal of Applied Mathematics 21 (1) 51 (2010)
Homogenization of a Conductive and Radiative Heat Transfer Problem
Grégoire Allaire and Karima El Ganaoui Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 7 (3) 1148 (2009)
Diffractive behavior of the wave equation in periodic media: weak convergence analysis
Grégoire Allaire, Mariapia Palombaro and Jeffrey Rauch Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 188 (4) (2009)
Asymptotic Homogenization of Composite Materials and Structures
Alexander L. Kalamkarov, Igor V. Andrianov and Vladyslav V. Danishevs’kyy Applied Mechanics Reviews 62 (3) (2009)
Shallow layer correction for Spectral Element like methods
Y. Capdeville and J.-J. Marigo Geophysical Journal International 172 (3) 1135 (2008)
Convergence Analysis for The Numerical Boundary Corrector for Elliptic Equations with Rapidly Oscillating Coefficients
Marcus Sarkis and Henrique Versieux SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 46 (2) 545 (2008)
Effective laws for the Poisson equation on domains with curved oscillating boundaries
N. Neuss, M. Neuss-Radu and A. Mikelić Applicable Analysis 85 (5) 479 (2006)
Homogenization of a Nonlinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problem Modeling Galvanic Currents
Y. S. Bhat and S. Moskow Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 5 (1) 149 (2006)
Localization for the Schrödinger Equation in a Locally Periodic Medium
Grégoire Allaire and Mariapia Palombaro SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 38 (1) 127 (2006)
Asymptotics of simple eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the Laplace operator in a domain with an oscillating boundary
Y. Amirat, G. A. Chechkin and R. R. Gadyl’shin Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 46 (1) 97 (2006)
Asymptotic Expansions of Eigenelements of the Laplace Operator in a Domain with Many “Light” Concentrated Masses Closely Located on the Boundary. Multi-Dimensional Case
G. A. Chechkin Journal of Mathematical Sciences 128 (5) 3263 (2005)
Numerical approximation of laminar flows over rough walls with sharp asperities
Youcef Amirat and Olivier Bodart Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 164-165 25 (2004)
Asymptotic Approximation of the Solution of the Laplace Equation in a Domain with Highly Oscillating Boundary
Y. Amirat, O. Bodart, U. De Maio and A. Gaudiello SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 35 (6) 1598 (2004)
Trends in Nonlinear Analysis
Andro Mikelić Trends in Nonlinear Analysis 225 (2003)
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