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“Strange term” in homogenization of attractors of reaction–diffusion equation in perforated domain

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Homogenization of trajectory attractors of 3D Navier-Stokes system with randomly oscillating force

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Structure and bifurcation of pullback attractors in a non-autonomous Chafee-Infante equation

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Existence and regularity of pullback attractors for an incompressible non-Newtonian fluid with delays

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Instability in Models Connected with Fluid Flows I

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Theorems about the attractor for incompressible non-Newtonian flow driven by external forces that are rapidly oscillating in time but have a smooth average

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Averaging of nonautonomous damped wave equations with singularly oscillating external forces

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Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 90 (5) 469 (2008)

On non-autonomous strongly damped wave equations with a uniform attractor and some averaging

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Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 341 (2) 791 (2008)

Time averaging of global attractors for nonautonomous wave equations with singularly oscillating external forces

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Doklady Mathematics 78 (2) 689 (2008)

Non-autonomous 2D Navier–Stokes System with Singularly Oscillating External Force and its Global Attractor

V. V. Chepyzhov and M. I. Vishik
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 19 (3) 655 (2007)

The global attractor of the nonautonomous 2D navier-stokes system with singularly oscillating external force

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Doklady Mathematics 75 (2) 236 (2007)

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Marko Iosifovich Vishik, Марко Иосифович Вишик, Владимир Викторович Чепыжов and Vladimir Victorovich Chepyzhov
Математические заметки 79 (4) 522 (2006)

Attractors of dissipative hyperbolic equations with singularly oscillating external forces

M. I. Vishik and V. V. Chepyzhov
Mathematical Notes 79 (3-4) 483 (2006)