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Cited article:

From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations

Chi Hin Chan and Alexis Vasseur
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations 209 117 (2017)

Gradient bounds for nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations and application to large time behavior of systems

Olivier Ley and Vinh Duc Nguyen
Nonlinear Analysis 130 76 (2016)

Local and global regularity of weak solutions of elliptic equations with superquadratic Hamiltonian

Andrea Dall’Aglio and Alessio Porretta
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367 (5) 3017 (2015)

Sobolev regularity for the first order Hamilton–Jacobi equation

Pierre Cardaliaguet, Alessio Porretta and Daniela Tonon
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 54 (3) 3037 (2015)

A Singular Hamilton--Jacobi Equation Modeling the Tail Problem

Sepideh Mirrahimi, Guy Barles, Benoît Perthame and Panagiotis E. Souganidis
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 44 (6) 4297 (2012)

Hölder Continuity to Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with Superquadratic Growth in the Gradient and Unbounded Right-hand Side

Pierre Cardaliaguet and Luis Silvestre
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 37 (9) 1668 (2012)

Hölder Regularity for Viscosity Solutions of Fully Nonlinear, Local or Nonlocal, Hamilton–Jacobi Equations with Superquadratic Growth in the Gradient

Pierre Cardaliaguet and Catherine Rainer
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 49 (2) 555 (2011)

Hölder estimates in space‐time for viscosity solutions of hamilton‐jacobi equations

Piermarco Cannarsa and Pierre Cardaliaguet
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 63 (5) 590 (2010)