Library community backs Subscribe to Open Mathematics journals - open access continues in 2023

EDP Sciences and the Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI) are delighted to announce that their Subscribe to Open (S2O) model for open access publication of six mathematics journals* has been successfully supported by the library community for another year, allowing the journals to continue to be published in open access in 2023.
For the third consecutive year, we have achieved our targets for the portfolio and will continue publishing the journals in open access. The success of this equitable open access model, which eliminates the burden of article processing charges (APCs), is a testament to our commitment to providing accessible and affordable open access publishing options and the collaboration of the subscribing institutions that support us.
“We are grateful to the library community for their ongoing support of the S2O model and for recognizing its value in ensuring equitable open access to mathematics research. It is thanks to their support that we are able to continue publishing these important mathematics journals in open access in 2023,” commented Anne Ruimy, Senior Publisher, EDP Sciences.
The success of the S2O model, which has been endorsed by cOAlition S, is due to its collaborative approach, and its potential for achieving fair and sustainable open access. In addition to library subscriptions, the transition of the mathematics journals to open access is supported by funds from the Fonds national pour la science ouverte (FNSO), and by the CNRS as part of the Diamond OA action plan.
“We are proud to support the S2O model and promote equitable open science in the mathematics community,” said Amandine Véber, Director of Publications, SMAI. “We look forward to continuing our partnership with EDP Sciences and the library community to advance open access publishing in mathematics.”
Transparency is a crucial element in the S2O model for all stakeholders involved. As advocates of open science, EDP Sciences supports this principle and plans to update our Transparency Report with important financial and other data from 2022.
*The six mathematics journals published in open access in 2023 under the S2O programme are: ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, RAIRO – Operations Research and RAIRO – Theoretical Informatics and Applications. All the journals are published by EDP Sciences in partnership with SMAI except for RAIRO – Theoretical Informatics and Applications which is published by EDP Sciences only.
About Subscribe to Open
Subscribe to Open (S20) is one of the transformative models that aims to move subscription journals to open access. S2O was initiated by Annual Reviews and has been endorsed by cOAlition S. It has been embraced by a number of publishers who have come together in the S2O Community of Practice. This innovative model has quickly become an accepted approach for achieving fair and sustainable open access and builds on collaborative initiatives such as SCOAP3 and Knowledge Unlatched. For the EDP Sciences mathematics titles, all articles are published open access, free of charge under a CC-BY 4.0 license. APCs do not apply and authors retain the copyright to their work.