Issue |
Volume 3, 1998
Page(s) | 213 - 233 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 August 2002 |
Description of the lack of compactness for the Sobolev imbedding
We prove that any bounded sequence in a Hilbert homogeneous Sobolev space has a subsequence which can be decomposed as an almost-orthogonal sum of a sequence going strongly to zero in the corresponding Lebesgue space, and of a superposition of terms obtained from fixed profiles by applying sequences of translations and dilations. This decomposition contains in particular the various versions of the concentration-compactness principle.
On montre que toute suite bornée d'un espace de Sobolev hilbertien homogène s'écrit, à une sous-suite près, comme la somme presque orthogonale d'une suite tendant vers zéro dans l'espace de Lebesgue correspondant par l'injection de Sobolev, et d'une superposition de suites de translatées-dilatées de profils fixes. On retrouve ainsi les différentes versions du principe de concentration-compacité.
Key words: Concentration-compactness / asymptotic analysis / Sobolev imbedding / almost orthogonality.
© EDP Sciences, SMAI, 1998
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