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Gijs Bellaard, Daan L. J. Bon, Gautam Pai, Bart M. N. Smets and Remco Duits Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 65(6) 819 (2023)
Abnormal extremals in the sub-Riemannian problem for a general model of a robot with a trailer
Andrei Andreevich Ardentov and Elizaveta Markovna Artemova Sbornik: Mathematics 214(10) 1351 (2023)
Экстремальные траектории в задаче быстродействия на группе движений плоскости с допустимым управлением в круговом секторе
Alexey Pavlovich Mashtakov and Yurii Leonidovich Sachkov Труды Математического института имени В. А. Стеклова 321 215 (2023)
Анормальные экстремали в субримановой задаче для общей модели робота с прицепом
Andrei Andreevich Ardentov and Elizaveta Markovna Artemova Математический сборник 214(10) 3 (2023)
Левоинвариантные задачи оптимального управления на группах Ли, интегрируемые в эллиптических функциях
Optimal Paths for Variants of the 2D and 3D Reeds–Shepp Car with Applications in Image Analysis
R. Duits, S. P. L. Meesters, J.-M. Mirebeau and J. M. Portegies Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 60(6) 816 (2018)
On the step-2 nilpotent (n, n(n + 1)/2) sub-Riemannian structures
Erik J. Bekkers, Remco Duits, Alexey Mashtakov and Yuri Sachkov Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Geometric Science of Information 10589 773 (2017)
Cut Locus and Optimal Synthesis in Sub-Riemannian Problem on the Lie Group SH(2)
New Trends in Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2017
B. Franceschiello, A. Mashtakov, G. Citti and A. Sarti Lecture Notes in Computer Science, New Trends in Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2017 10590 37 (2017)
Tracking of Lines in Spherical Images via Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in $${\text {SO(3)}}$$ SO(3)
A. Mashtakov, R. Duits, Yu. Sachkov, E. J. Bekkers and I. Beschastnyi Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 58(2) 239 (2017)
On the subRiemannian cut locus in a model of free two-step Carnot group
On the Heat Diffusion for Generic Riemannian and Sub-Riemannian Structures
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On extensions of sub-Riemannian structures on Lie groups
Ugo Boscain, Remco Duits, Francesco Rossi and Yuri Sachkov ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 20(3) 748 (2014)
Evaluating Contextual Processing in Diffusion MRI: Application to Optic Radiation Reconstruction for Epilepsy Surgery
Two-input control systems on the Euclidean group SE (2)
Ross M. Adams, Rory Biggs and Claudiu C. Remsing ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 19(4) 947 (2013)
Anthropomorphic Image Reconstruction via Hypoelliptic Diffusion