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Viscosity Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations in Proper $$\mathrm {CAT(0)}$$ Spaces

Othmane Jerhaoui and Hasnaa Zidani
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 34 (2) (2024)

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Error estimates for a finite difference scheme associated with Hamilton–Jacobi equations on a junction

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Homogenization of a transmission problem with Hamilton–Jacobi equations and a two-scale interface. Effective transmission conditions

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A Perturbation Problem Involving Singular Perturbations of Domains for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations

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Well-posedness for vanishing viscosity solutions of scalar conservation laws on a network

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Discontinuous solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi equations on networks

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A Convex Formulation of Traffic Dynamics on Transportation Networks

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Effective junction conditions for degenerate parabolic equations

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Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 56 (6) (2017)

The Riemann solver for traffic flow at an intersection with buffer of vanishing size

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Networks & Heterogeneous Media 12 (2) 173 (2017)

Effective transmission conditions for Hamilton–Jacobi equations defined on two domains separated by an oscillatory interface

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A Piecewise Deterministic Markov Toy Model for Traffic/Maintenance and Associated Hamilton–Jacobi Integrodifferential Systems on Networks

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Applied Mathematics & Optimization 74 (2) 375 (2016)

(Almost) Everything you always wanted to know about deterministic control problems in stratified domains

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A convergent scheme for Hamilton–Jacobi equations on a junction: application to traffic

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Numerische Mathematik 129 (3) 405 (2015)

Hamilton-Jacobi Equations on Networks as Limits of Singularly Perturbed Problems in Optimal Control: Dimension Reduction

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Communications in Partial Differential Equations 40 (4) 652 (2015)

Homogenization results for a deterministic multi-domains periodic control problem

Guy Barles, Ariela Briani, Emmanuel Chasseigne and Nicoletta Tchou
Asymptotic Analysis 95 (3-4) 243 (2015)

Asymptotic solution and effective Hamiltonian of a Hamilton–Jacobi equation in the modeling of traffic flow on a homogeneous signalized road

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Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 104 (5) 982 (2015)

A junction condition by specified homogenization and application to traffic lights

Giulio Galise, Cyril Imbert and Régis Monneau
Analysis & PDE 8 (8) 1891 (2015)

Hamilton–Jacobi equations for optimal control on junctions and networks

Yves Achdou, Salomé Oudet and Nicoletta Tchou
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 21 (3) 876 (2015)

A Bellman Approach for Regional Optimal Control Problems in $\mathbb{R}^N$

G. Barles, A. Briani and E. Chasseigne
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 52 (3) 1712 (2014)

Transmission conditions on interfaces for Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations

Z. Rao, A. Siconolfi and H. Zidani
Journal of Differential Equations 257 (11) 3978 (2014)

Singular Perturbation of Optimal Control Problems on MultiDomains

Nicolas Forcadel and Zhiping Rao
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 52 (5) 2917 (2014)

Discussion about traffic junction modelling: Conservation laws VS Hamilton-Jacobi equations

Guillaume Costeseque and Jean-Patrick Lebacque
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - S 7 (3) 411 (2014)

A comparison among various notions of viscosity solution for Hamilton–Jacobi equations on networks

Fabio Camilli and Claudio Marchi
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 407 (1) 112 (2013)

Control and Optimization with PDE Constraints

Zhiping Rao and Hasnaa Zidani
International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Control and Optimization with PDE Constraints 164 93 (2013)

A Bellman approach for two-domains optimal control problems in ℝN

G. Barles, A. Briani and E. Chasseigne
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 19 (3) 710 (2013)

Viscosity solutions of Eikonal equations on topological networks

Dirk Schieborn and Fabio Camilli
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 46 (3-4) 671 (2013)

Numerical discretization of Hamilton--Jacobi equations on networks

Simone Göttlich, Ute Ziegler and Michael Herty
Networks & Heterogeneous Media 8 (3) 685 (2013)

The vanishing viscosity limit for Hamilton–Jacobi equations on networks

Fabio Camilli, Claudio Marchi and Dirk Schieborn
Journal of Differential Equations 254 (10) 4122 (2013)