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Francesco Ballarin, Gianluigi Rozza and Maria Strazzullo Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Numerical Control: Part A 23 307 (2022)
A weighted POD-reduction approach for parametrized PDE-constrained optimal control problems with random inputs and applications to environmental sciences
Giuseppe Carere, Maria Strazzullo, Francesco Ballarin, Gianluigi Rozza and Rob Stevenson Computers & Mathematics with Applications 102 261 (2021)
POD–Galerkin Model Order Reduction for Parametrized Time Dependent Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Problems in Saddle Point Formulation
Model Reduction for Parametrized Optimal Control Problems in Environmental Marine Sciences and Engineering
Maria Strazzullo, Francesco Ballarin, Renzo Mosetti and Gianluigi Rozza SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40(4) B1055 (2018)
Reduced basis approximation of large scale parametric algebraic Riccati equations
Andreas Schmidt and Bernard Haasdonk ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 24(1) 129 (2018)
Certified Reduced Basis Methods for Parametrized Elliptic Optimal Control Problems with Distributed Controls