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Elisa Davoli, Anastasia Molchanova and Ulisse Stefanelli SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 54(2) 1470 (2022)
On compatibility of the natural configuration framework with general equation for non-equilibrium reversible–irreversible coupling (GENERIC): Derivation of anisotropic rate-type models
Giovanni Scilla and Bianca Stroffolini Association for Women in Mathematics Series, Research in Mathematics of Materials Science 31 297 (2022)
A Phase-Field Approach to Eulerian Interfacial Energies
Diego Grandi, Martin Kružík, Edoardo Mainini and Ulisse Stefanelli Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 234(1) 351 (2019)
Actuation of Thin Nematic Elastomer Sheets with Controlled Heterogeneity