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Минимаксные решения уравнений Гамильтона-Якоби в задачах динамической оптимизации наследственных систем

Mikhail Igorevich Gomoyunov and Nikolai Yur'evich Lukoyanov
Успехи математических наук 79 (2(476)) 43 (2024)

On viscosity solutions of path-dependent Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman–Isaacs equations for fractional-order systems

M.I. Gomoyunov
Journal of Differential Equations 399 335 (2024)

Minimax solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations in dynamic optimization problems for hereditary systems

Mikhail Igorevich Gomoyunov and Nikolai Yur'evich Lukoyanov
Russian Mathematical Surveys 79 (2) 229 (2024)