Issue |
Volume 18, Number 4, October-December 2012
Page(s) | 1178 - 1206 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 16 January 2012 |
A variational problem for couples of functions and multifunctions with interaction between leaves
Dipartimento di Matematica dell’Università di Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze
53/A, 43124 Parma, Italy;;
We discuss a variational problem defined on couples of functions that are constrained to take values into the 2-dimensional unit sphere. The energy functional contains, besides standard Dirichlet energies, a non-local interaction term that depends on the distance between the gradients of the two functions. Different gradients are preferred or penalized in this model, in dependence of the sign of the interaction term. In this paper we study the lower semicontinuity and the coercivity of the energy and we find an explicit representation formula for the relaxed energy. Moreover, we discuss the behavior of the energy in the case when we consider multifunctions with two leaves rather than couples of functions.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 49Q20 / 54C60
Key words: Relaxed energies / multifunctions / Cartesian currents
© EDP Sciences, SMAI, 2012
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