Issue |
Volume 31, 2025
Article Number | 7 | |
Number of page(s) | 26 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 24 January 2025 |
Conjugate points of dynamic pairs and control systems
Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Śniadeckich 8, 00-656 Warszawa, Poland
* Corresponding author:
We study the geometry of dynamic pairs (X, V) on a manifold M, where X is a vector field and V is a distribution on M, both satisfying a regularity condition. Special cases are pairs defined by systems of second order ODEs, geodesic sprays in Riemannian, Finslerian and Lagranian geometries, semi-Hamiltonian systems and control-affine systems. Analogs of conjugate points from the calculus of variations are defined for the pair (X, V). The main results give estimates for the position of conjugate points in terms of a curvature operator, analogously to the Cartan–Hadamard and Bonet–Myers theorems. Contrary to classical cases, no metric is given a priori, the distribution V may be nonintegrable and the curvature operator is defined in terms of (X, V).
Mathematics Subject Classification: 93C10 / 34C14 / 53A55
Key words: Dynamic pairs / control systems / geodesic flows / conjugate points / curvature / Jacobi fields
© The authors. Published by EDP Sciences, SMAI 2025
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